Monday, 23 July 2012

Good Garage Scheme Staff Support BEN

Good Garage Scheme supported BEN's "Back 2 School" charity campaign on Thursday, 19th July.

This month BEN celebrates 107 years of helping those who work or have worked in the automotive and related industries, as well as their dependents, with a "Back 2 School" themed charity campaign running from 16th-22nd July.

Charity BEN Back 2 School Good Garage Scheme
Accounts Dept go head to head
Staff at Good Garage Scheme's head office in Coventry showed up at work with school ties, satchels and name badges to mark the occasion and also shared a picnic lunch. A tuck shop was set up in the office with old-fashioned sweets including Dib Dabs, Refreshers and Mint Humbugs.

The "GGS pupils" (including little Miles Better) embraced the challenges of the day which included a very competitive egg and spoon race, penalty shoot out and "Guess Who?" photo competition.
There was lots of giggling and cheering during the day all
aimed at raising money to support the fantastic work BEN does.

And the winners were...
Good Garage Scheme Charity BEN Back2School
Egg & Spoon Race Champions 2012 (Mark, Emily and Dave)
It is clear from the photos that we all enjoyed the day and look forward to sending off our cheque to BEN soon.

Have a look at our Facebook page for more photos from the day.

More information about BEN can be found here.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Good Garage Scheme Goes Back to School for BEN

BEN Charity, Back to School, Good Garage Scheme Charity

The Good Garage Scheme will be holding a ‘Back 2 School’ themed day on the 19th July to raise funds for BEN – the Automotive Industry Charity, during National BEN Week.

Staff at the Good Garage Scheme head office in Coventry will be dressing in a "Back to School" theme in celebration of BEN’s 107th Anniversary of providing help and support to the automotive and related industries.

There will be a school-style picnic dinner and lunchtime games.

Employees are also bringing in school photos of their "younger selves" and there will be a prize for the person who can match most faces to names.

BEN exists to provide care, support and advice to those in the automotive industries who need help in times of hardship or distress. It costs approximately £12 million each year for BEN to continue its vital work, and it’s only thanks to the generosity of supporters that BEN is able to do so.

Ben Automotive Industry Charity, Good Garage Scheme CharityNational BEN Week is an annual event aiming to raise awareness and funds for the charity as well as bringing people together from across the industry to celebrate the birth of their dedicated charity.

Read more about the charity at

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Good Garage Scheme is all a-Twitter!

The UK-wide Good Garage Scheme has proved that social media can benefit the automotive business by recruiting a new member through consistent social media activity.

Good Garage Scheme Twitter image
John Wyatt of Manchetts Garage
Manchetts Garage based in Cambridge and Newmarket was already aware of the Good Garage Scheme but was unsure of the member benefits. The independent garage already had its own Twitter account, from which it regularly tweeted special offers and blog posts.  Upon seeing a number of consistently informative tweets from the Good Garage Scheme, Manchetts sent a direct message to enquire about membership.

“I followed the Good Garage Scheme by chance. Someone I follow retweeted something they had sent out and when I had a look at the kind of tweets they were sending, I realised that they had some really interesting facts and advice on motoring that garages like mine could benefit from”  said Mandy Manchett, Marketing Manager, Manchetts Garage.

“I liked the fact that the Good Garage Scheme is consistently tweeting interesting content and engaging with followers. It uses Twitter to actively promote member garages and I wanted Manchetts to benefit from being a part of an online independent garage community.”

The Good Garage Scheme is regularly active on Twitter and its Twitter name @GoodGarages was another feature that raised the interest of Manchetts.

“I think the Good Garage Scheme has a really good Twitter handle, which says everything you need know about it. It quite literally is a network of good garages, working together to offer the best service possible to motorists” said Mandy.

Apart from social media, the Good Garage Scheme offered Manchetts appealing benefits as a Good Garage Scheme member. Mandy added: “I particularly like the feedback system the Good Garage Scheme has in place for its member garages. Customer relations are very important to us and we want to hear when we have done a good job so we can build on the positives and improve our service even more.”

Follow the Good Garage Scheme on Twitter @GoodGarages and have a look at our Facebook page.