Friday, 13 July 2012

Good Garage Scheme Goes Back to School for BEN

BEN Charity, Back to School, Good Garage Scheme Charity

The Good Garage Scheme will be holding a ‘Back 2 School’ themed day on the 19th July to raise funds for BEN – the Automotive Industry Charity, during National BEN Week.

Staff at the Good Garage Scheme head office in Coventry will be dressing in a "Back to School" theme in celebration of BEN’s 107th Anniversary of providing help and support to the automotive and related industries.

There will be a school-style picnic dinner and lunchtime games.

Employees are also bringing in school photos of their "younger selves" and there will be a prize for the person who can match most faces to names.

BEN exists to provide care, support and advice to those in the automotive industries who need help in times of hardship or distress. It costs approximately £12 million each year for BEN to continue its vital work, and it’s only thanks to the generosity of supporters that BEN is able to do so.

Ben Automotive Industry Charity, Good Garage Scheme CharityNational BEN Week is an annual event aiming to raise awareness and funds for the charity as well as bringing people together from across the industry to celebrate the birth of their dedicated charity.

Read more about the charity at

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