Monday, 25 November 2013

Make the Road Safety Pledge

The Good Garage Scheme supported Road Safety Week last week by encouraging visitors to its website to "Make the Pledge". The Good Garage Scheme and Miles Better tweeted and sent messages of support via Facebook and Twitter and dedicated a page of its website to the charity's campaign.

Brake, the road safety charity, ran its Road Safety Week from 18th-24th November to help prevent appalling crashes caused by multitasking at the wheel. The "Tune in to Road Safety" campaign appealed to drivers to turn off their phones or put them in the boot and urges everyone to refuse to speak on the phone to someone who’s driving. It is launched a decade after hand-held mobiles were banned at the wheel and coincides with the week-long enforcement campaign.

Facts on driver distraction from BRAKE:
  • Driving is the most dangerous thing most of us do on a regular basis: operating a potentially dangerous machine in an unpredictable, public environment requires full concentration at all times. 
  • In the UK, Ofcom has warned of increasing levels of smartphone addiction by users who are unable to go without checking their phone for short periods or through the night. Statistics from The Communications Market 2011, Ofcom, 2011
  • It is believed around one in five crashes could be caused, at least in part, by driver distraction and drivers who perform a secondary task at the wheel are two to three times as likely to crash.  Study data from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2006
  • Some very complex tasks, like talking on a phone, whether hand-held or hands-free, increase this risk even more. From study by University of Western Australia, 2005
  • The effect of talking on a phone on driving has been shown to be worse than drinking certain levels of alcohol. Driver reaction times are 30% slower while using a hands-free phone than driving with a blood alcohol level of 80mg alcohol per 100ml blood (the current UK limit) and nearly 50% slower than driving normally and soberly.
    Transport Research Laboratory, 2009
  • Other forms of distraction not involving technology also cause risk. If you're eating or drinking at the wheel, you are less able to react; some studies have suggested the risk is as great as when talking on a phone. Brunel University, 2008
  • Heightened emotions such as stress, anger or upset are cognitive distractions that significantly impede your ability to drive safely. The level of distraction depends on the level of distress. The Open University, 2011
According to Brake, drivers caught using a hand-held phone at the wheel to call or text face a (recently increased) fixed penalty notice of £100 and three points or may be offered a course instead of taking points. 

In 2012, more than 10,000 drivers caught using their phone at the wheel took a ‘What’s Driving Us’ course instead of opting for points. In some cases, drivers may go to court and face disqualification and a maximum fine of £1,000. 

Drivers who cause a crash and kill someone while using a phone could face up to 14 years in prison. Worst still they they will have to live with the knowledge that someone died because of their decision to use their phone at the wheel. 

If you haven't done so already, Make the Pledge to drive more responsibly.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Channel 4OD Hosts Good Garage Scheme Advert

From Monday, 18th November, the Good Garage Scheme's TV advert encouraging motorists to find a local garage they can trust on will be appearing for the first time on Channel 4OD (4 on Demand online viewing platform).

With changes in consumer television viewing habits, the Good Garage Scheme is sending its message directly to viewers of Channel 4's most popular programmes with an opportunity for them to click directly to the Good Garage Scheme website and find their local garage or download the app.

The Good Garage Scheme has advertised on ITV Player, SKY and Dave already this year and hopes to extend brand awareness to an even wider audience.

Miles Better, the popular animated star of the television ads will appear once again alongside Good Garage Scheme member garage, Lawlor Motor Company in Tyne & Wear, where the advert was filmed.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Christchurch Motorist Wins Good Garage Scheme Competition

A valued customer of Good Garage Scheme workshop Twynham Motor Services in Christchurch has won back the cost of his car service. Christchurch motorist Mr Gardiner's feedback on his service was selected from customer feedback forms submitted by Good Garage Scheme member customers throughout the UK over a five month period. Good Garage Scheme customers are encouraged to send in their feedback after a service or repair at a member garage to help provide motorists visiting make an informed decision when selecting a local garage to service or repair their vehicle.

Twynham Motor Services in Christchurch

 Mike Cheffings of Twynham Motor Services, presenting Good Garage Scheme competition winner Mr Gardiner of Christchurch  with a cheque for the cost of his car service.

Mr Gardiner gave Twynham Motor Services a five-star rating for their helpfulness, communication, standard of work undertaken on his car and his overall satisfaction. In his glowing feedback, Mr Gardiner stated:

“Twynham Motor Services are a lovely garage with friendly, helpful and knowledgeable staff. The workshop is regularly used by myself, as well as my family and friends and I would recommend them to other drivers in our local area.”

The next Good Garage Scheme Feedback prize will be drawn on December 20th. Another lucky motorist will win back the cost of their service or repair in time for Christmas. Don't forget to enter your feedback via the website, post or app the next time you visit a Good Garage Scheme member garage.

win back your service costs