Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Concerns on MOT Test Change Proposals

MOT, LogoThe Good Garage Scheme is concerned about the Government’s proposal to extend the time period before a newly-registered car receives its first MOT test from three years to four.

The Good Garage Scheme, along with industry and motoring bodies including the IMI and IAM, are all working hard to educate motorists about the importance of regular car servicing.

mechanic, tyre tread, checkingThe MOT is just as important for three year old cars as it is for older vehicles. Some 20% of cars fail their first MOT when they reach the three year stage. Extending it to four years will increase the number of cars with issues on the road.

The MOT is not a cost to the motorist if it provides them with safe motoring. If problems go undetected, it could cost financially more at a later stage, or could even result in road safety issues, putting motorists and their families at risk.

Visit and enter your postcode to find your local Good Garage Scheme workshop to carry out your next MOT test.

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