Friday, 22 August 2014

Is Your Car Ready for the School Run?

The Good Garage Scheme are encouraging motorists to book their vehicles in for a thorough check up and service before the school term starts again.

The end of the summer holidays is fast approaching and many families will be getting ready to go back to school at the start of September. This means getting prepared for the twice daily school run, increased traffic on the roads and the pressure of being out of the house promptly in the mornings.

With the chaos of sorting out uniforms, PE kits and labelling school books to worry about, having car problems is an additional complication most people can do without. Booking in for a car service now with a Good Garage Scheme member will give you peace of mind that your vehicle is safe and in good condition ready for the regular trips to and from school.

The hot conditions of the summer roads and increased mileage incurred during summer holidays and day trips all contribute to vehicle wear and tear. The start of the school term provides the perfect opportunity to get your car checked for any damage caused by your summer journeys. When visiting a Good Garage Scheme member your car will also be subject to a vehicle checklist and undergo vital maintenance on lights, wipers and air conditioning systems.

Good Garage Scheme members follow a strict code of conduct, which provides peace of mind for customers as it ensures you are notified before any work is undertaken and that any parts replaced during service or repair are available for inspection. Members also adhere to a service checklist and will give customers a copy of that completed checklist as confirmation of a job well done.

It is easy to find a Good Garage Scheme member in your area, simply visit our website and enter your postcode or town name to find a garage that is local to you. You can also download our free app so wherever you are in the UK, a garage you trust will never be far away.

Enjoy peace of mind today before the back to school madness. Visit our website or contact your local Good Garage Scheme member for more information.

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