Friday, 9 November 2012


Over the past eight years, November has become a time when men (or "mo bros") cultivate a moustache to raise awareness of men’s health issues, specifically prostate and testicular cancer.

Miles Better would like to participate this year and has set up a donation page for the Prostate Cancer UK Charity. For more information about the charity, please visit - we'll be updating the progress of  his moustache on his Facebook and Twitter pages.

Help him decide which style to grow. He'd like to encourage fellow Good Garage Scheme members to send their own photos to post on the Good Garage Scheme Facebook page as well.

This is a great opportunity for all Good Garage Scheme members and their customers to give generously to this worthy cause.

To support Miles Better, please visit
Here are some of the moustaches Miles is thinking of growing. Help him decide by choosing your favourite.
Mo 1

Mo 2

Mo 3

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