Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Good Garage Scheme Advice for Long Car Journeys

Summer is here and most of us are looking forward to a well-earned holiday.
Part of your travels are likely to involve a long car journey and we'd like to share some tips to help avoid any stress and allow you to enjoy your holiday from the moment you drive away.

Prepare for your trip
Is your car or caravan ready for the journey? Giving your vehicle a good check could help avoid an unnecessary breakdown. It is essential to check the following items, but if you are unsure, any Good Garage Scheme member garage would be happy to help you.

  • Tyre pressure  -  You are likely to carry more passengers and luggage than normal.
  • Tyre tread  -  Worn tyres affect your ability to control the car in wet conditions.
  • Oil and coolant levels
  • Windscreen wipers and lights
  • Spare wheel and first aid kit   
Visit your nearest Good Garage Scheme member offering a Holiday Check.

Pack carefully

Make sure all passengers have enough leg room. Loosely packed items may injure a passenger should you need to brake suddenly.

Child safety
Ensure all children are seated in correct car seats and as comfortably as possible. In 2006 it became illegal for any child under the age of 12, or less than 135cm tall, to travel in a car without a booster seat. If you are unsure about the correct car seats for your children, please read more at .

Stay Alert and Take Breaks
We all want to get to our destination as quickly as possible, but it is best to plan breaks into your journey time to make sure your concentration remains at the level it should be when driving. Take regular breaks and share the driving if possible. Aim for at least a 15 minute break at least every two hours. It will give you and your passengers a chance to stretch your legs.

The Good Garage Scheme would like to wish everyone a safe and happy summer holiday.

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