Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Good Garages are Noticed

The garage trade is hugely competitive and in order to stand out from the crowd it is important that the premises garage owners operate from are visually appealing to encourage customers to enter.  
One way of achieving this is by being a member of a nationally recognised scheme that consumers know and trust, and having the recognised signage that sets a Good Garage Scheme member apart from local competitors.

Good Garage Scheme members up and down the country adhere to the highest standards and Code of Conduct which consumers recognise. The brand is backed by regular national television advertising which makes the Good Garage Scheme even more instantly recognisable.

So, how do customers know which garages are in the Good Garage Scheme?  This is where strong signage comes into play, and as part of their package of benefits, members can access subsidised signage for their garage, saving up to 50% on costs.
In order for a Good Garage Scheme member to obtain one of these distinctive signs for their premises all they have to do is speak to their local representative who will arrange for photos of the garage to be taken and processed.  Once the garage owner has approved the signage, installation is arranged, and the garage becomes instantly recognisable. 

The feedback from member garages shows that good signage really does make a difference, and along with the marketing support they receive, garages do see an increase in business.  After all, if you wanted to go to a garage you can trust where would you go? 

If you are a Good Garage Scheme member, then contact us today to arrange your garage signage.

If you are a motorist looking for a trusted garage, then look no further than your local Good Garage Scheme member.  Why not download our iPhone app to see which garages in your area are a member of the Good Garage Scheme, or log on to our website and search by postcode at www.goodgaragescheme.com.

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