Thursday, 2 June 2016

Ladies Night a Succes at Field's Car Centre

Good Garage Scheme member garage, Field's Car Centre in Woking, Surrey held a successful Ladies Night at the garage in May and  great time was had by all.

3 photos, 1st shows man demonstrating tyre change, 2nd under bonnet and 3rd around car in workshop with ladies
photos courtesy of Fields Car Centre in Woking, Surrey
So what happens at a Fields Car Centre Ladies night?

The evenings are designed to encourage ladies to come into the workshop environment and learn, in an informal atmosphere, about their car, but the aim is to have a bit of fun while the learning goes on.

The ladies are split into groups and they rotate around several work stations manned by the garage's ‘Friendly team of technicians and mechanics’.

Attendees learn to do for some things for themselves, like checking levels and changing bulbs.  changing a wheel and also learn about warning lights, the underside of the car and what’s involved in an MOT inspection.

There is an “Ask any question you like” policy and some great questions come up.

The willingness and dedication of the team make the evening a success. They give of their time and enthusiasm and the ladies were appreciative of how the guys patiently demonstrated, answered questions and tried to explain things simply and clearly.

By holding these evenings  Fields are trying to break down the ‘man’s world’ image of the garage.  A huge proportion of current customers are ladies. In fact we probably see more woman bringing their cars in or the ‘family's’ car, than we do men!

However, a garage is seen as a male dominated world where ladies tell us they often feel patronised and spoken down to.

These are some of the feedback comments our lovely ladies had to say...

"Brill evening - really useful! Relaxed atmosphere, gave plenty of encouragement to ask questions, will recommend others"

"Very fun evening! I know a lot more and feel more comfortable now, the atmosphere was great - just the right length."

"All the staff were friendly and extremely patient in answering all our questions. I would definitely recommend any lady to come"

"Wow what a fabulous evening! I had no idea what to expect but it exceeded all expectations. A friendly bunch and I learnt so much, thank you!"

"Brilliant, brilliant evening. Thank you guys for a very informative, fun evening. Very helpful for new drivers like me. Kudos to you guys for coming up with the idea. Highly recommend it to every new driver, will see you soon!"

Fame for Richard Field...

Richard Field had a call, out of the blue a couple of weeks ago from BBC RADIO SURREY.
Richard said, "I received a phone call from BBC Radio Surrey's Breakfast Show a couple of weeks ago asking if I would I come into their studio and tell their breakfast listeners about the Ladies Night we are running at Field's Car Centre.  
Apparently their Saturday cleaner had seen one of our flyers and gave it to the producer who thought it was a brilliant idea and why hadn't other garages thought of it?"
So it was an early start to Guildford BBC for Richard where he had to demonstrate to the breakfast host, Suzanne Bamborough, how to change a light bulb.  This was filmed as well as broadcast. Click here to see Richard in action.

With thanks to Mike Field of Field Car Centre for sending the Good Garage Scheme this update.
The next  Ladies Night is planned for July 7th from  6:30 - 8:30 pm.
Limited space available, so please book a place now if you are in the Woking area.
Bring a friend, come as a group or on your own. Either way you will be made very welcome. 
And it’s free!

To book a place please contact

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