Friday, 18 March 2016

Top Ten Tips to Save Fuel

Although driving can be a lot more convenient than using other modes of transport, it can be quite expensive. In addition to the cost for insurance, road tax and servicing, you’ll also need to spend on fuel, which can add up to a surprising amount if you’re on the road regularly. 

There are a few nifty ways you can cut down on your fuel consumption and save on fuel costs however, which can also make for safer journeys and boost your environmental credentials.

As the Good Garage Scheme celebrates its 10th Anniversary, we would like to share our 

TOP 10 Fuel Saving Tips:


1. Easy Does It

2. Clean Your Engine

3. Keep Your Tyres Pumped Up to Cut Down

4. Close Your Windows

5. Reduce the Revving

6. Make Fewer Trips

7. Declutter Your Car

8. Don't Be an Idler

9. Keep Your Speed in Check

10. Avoid Rush Hour


1. Easy Does It 

Anticipate traffic ahead to apply acceleration and braking more fluidly. You will use less fuel - you could save up to 20%.

2. Clean Your Engine 

A clean engine will perform better, produce less CO2 and conserve more fuel.

3. Keep Your Tyres Pumped Up to Cut Down

Correctly inflated tyres will affect your fuel consumption and checking them regularly is a good habit.

4. Close Your Windows

Letting in air whilst moving quickly disrupts the aerodynamics of the vehicle, increasing drag and making you use more fuel to sustain the same speed. When possible, use your vehicle’s air vents or air conditioning to keep the cabin air comfortable.

5. Reduce the Revving

Use your gears wisely by changing up a gear a little earlier to reduce revving. 

6. Make Fewer Trips

You could cut down on your fuel usage by combining your errands into fewer trips to burn less fuel. 

7. Declutter Your Car

Keeping fewer items in your vehicle will reduce resistance for the engine and lower CO2 emissions. Remove anything you won't need.

8. Don't Be an Idler

If you're likely to be at a standstill for more than 3 minutes, simply switch off the engine - restarting the car will use less fuel than letting it stay idle for this time.

9. Keep Your Speed in Check

Staying at or within the speed limit will decrease CO2 emissions, as well as keep you and your passengers safe. Did you know that at 70mph you could be using up to 9% more fuel than at 60mph and up to 15% more fuel than at 50mph?

10. Avoid Rush Hour

If you can’t avoid driving during rush hour, remember to look well ahead at what the traffic is doing so you can gently control your acceleration and braking.

Here's a Bonus Tip:

If your vehicle is in need of servicing to improve your fuel efficiency, the new, flexible Good Garage Scheme Service Plans give you a perfect solution to budget for the cost of keeping your car regularly maintained. 

To find out more about the new Good Garage Scheme Service Plans or to find your local member garage, please visit the website.

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