Monday, 8 February 2016

Save Money on Your Next MOT

According to advice from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agengy (DVSA), around 40% of cars fail the MOT test at the first attempt.

  • 30% of all faults relate to lighting and signalling
  • 10% of all faults relate to tyres
  • 8.5% of all faults relate to ‘Driver’s view of the road’

This means extra cost for repairs to improve the standard and possibly an extra cost for the re-test.

How can you save money on your next MOT?

By checking the following items before you take the car in for your test.

1. Are your lights working? Ask a friend or family member to come out to the car and help you check.
2. Are your tyres in good condition and is the pressure correct?
3. Are your mirrors, wipers and washers in good working order?

Remember - an MOT test is NOT a service

Don't be fooled into thinking that an MOT test means that your car has been serviced. The MOT is an assessment of some of the most important items on your vehicle checking that it meets legal standards.

It is not the same as having a service and it does not check the general mechanical condition of your car.

Find your nearest Good Garage Scheme member to carry our your next service.

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