Friday, 17 October 2014

Don't get blown away this autumn

Changes in wind speed can affect your driving, but with the latest tips from the leading road safety charity, the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), you can find ways to better prepare for the windy weather – ensuring your drive is as safe as possible.

What’s around the corner?
As you approach a sharp bend, ease off the acceleration. You never know what’s around the corner. Gusts of wind can force large branches to fall onto the road, completely blocking it. Be prepared for any debris that obstructs the road and be ready to make a U-turn and use another route if necessary.

Don’t get blown away

Be aware of other motorists around you as the windy weather can affect both their and your vehicles. Strong winds usually come in gusts blowing motorcycles, lorries and buses from side to side. If you’re driving on the motorway, keep an eye on other vehicles making sure you hold firmly onto your steering wheel to stay in control. Be aware that as you come out from overtaking a lorry, there is likely to be a strong side wind pushing against your vehicle.

Park it right

If possible, avoid parking your car in a bay that is surrounded by trees as high winds can cause large branches and debris to fall on to your car bonnet. Gusts of wind can also force parked cars to shudder, so make sure you fully apply your hand brake before leaving the car. If it’s a manual gearbox leave it in gear – this is very important if you’re parking your car on a slope.

Planned and routed

Last but not least, make sure you plan your route ahead to avoid any disruptions. Narrow roads are more likely to get blocked by fallen trees, branches and wet leaves in the windy weather – it is therefore best to avoid narrow roads and lanes which are exposed to debris.

The Good Garage Scheme would like to thank the IAM for these useful tips and also remind motorists to always ensure your phone is charged before setting off in the car and download the Good Garage Scheme app in case you need to contact a nearby garage for help.

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