Thursday, 29 September 2011

Driving in Autumn - Take Care in Foggy Conditions

Even though we are enjoying summer-like weather, there are still foggy conditions to contend with early in the morning that remind us that autumn is definitely here.

The Good Garage Scheme recommends that drivers slow down when entering into foggy road conditions and keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front. Make sure your lights are on so that others motorists can see you. According to the Highway Code, headlights should be used when visibility is seriously reduced.
As a general rule, that is when you are unable to see for more than 100 metres (328 feet). Fog lights can be used, but must be switched off when visibility improves as this can dazzle oncoming traffic and also obscure the visibility of the brake lights.

If you need someone to check any of your lights, especially your fog lights this autumn, contact your nearest Good Garage Scheme member or visit to find one near you.

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