Thursday, 9 December 2010

Poor road markings increasing number of lives at risk, Good Garage Scheme reads

The poor weather and potholes have regularly been cited as causes of declining road safety but poor road markings are also to blame. Substandard road markings are also feared to be putting many lives at risk.

A Road Safety Markings Association report highlighted some serious concerns. They used the latest Road Safety Foundation report (2006-8) to identify the ten most dangerous roads and then assessed the clarity of their markings. The results concluded that 80% of these roads have the most faded line markings, with half of these falling below the minimum standard required. Their national director, George Lee, said: 'This report flags up some serious concerns for the overall conditions of our road network. The failure to maintain road markings may be a contributory factor to the number of fatal and serious accidents on these roads.”

The association advised up to 125 deaths and serious injuries each year could be prevented by expenditure not exceeding £2.55 per metre on improving centre line markings.

AA president Edmund King concurred by saying "In this age of austerity we need to promote the most cost-effective road safety measures," he said. "Highway authorities have a duty of care to keep the roads safe but all too often we come across pot-holed, patched up roads lacking essential white lines at important junctions and crossings. A few thousand litres of white paint targeted in the right areas will make our roads safer."

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