Thursday, 22 July 2010

Government to review MOT rules to increase time between garage safety checks; the Good Garage Scheme warns move could put motorists at risk

Last week it was announced by Lord Attlee of the Transport Department that the need for annual MOT tests for vehicles more than three years old is to be reviewed.

The current system in Britain is amongst the strictest, but safest, in Europe. Cars face their first MOT test after three years and annually after that to ensure that cars on British roads are roadworthy and safe.

The government has also hinted that drivers could be allowed to wait four years, rather than three, before the car will need to undergo it’s first MOT test, then tests every two years after that. With a 37 per cent failure rate on annual MOTs recorded in 2009 and 18 per cent failing to meet the required standard on the first inspection, this increased time between safety checks could be detrimental to the safety of Britain’s drivers.

It is estimated that if tests were every other year, rather than annually, the saving in fees could reach £465 million a year. However appealing the savings sound, it is a false economy to the driver. Problems left unchecked for a further year could end up costing significantly more to repair if allowed to develop.

Garages could also see a change in business, with routine MOT work effectively cut in half, and a shift towards more work on repairing advanced problems rather than preventive work.


Cambrian Autoservices Rhyl said...

This would lead to some death traps on our roads,more accidents due to burst brake pipes/ball joints dropped out etc etc. This in turn results in increased police and NHS costs.
It will also put quite a few garages out of business.
This idea was supposed to have been kicked into touch last year. There is absolutly no way this can be allowed to happen.

Jan Lord said...

I totally and utterly agree that this should not be allowed to happen. As an independent garage we lost business and staff as a result of the scrappage scheme last year and have just started to recover, Now we face being hit again with the introduction of 4.2.2. The safety of our roads has to be our top priority and as the government seem to only looking at the cost implication this is wrong. In order to save £50 a year we are looking at the cost of human lives and almost definately an increase in figures of those who will end up on the dole!! - it beggars belief that it even being considered yet again - there must be more pressing things that those in Whitehall could put their attention to!!!